by Julia Rose Hotchner

I cant believe how fast time has gone here in Lund! I am happy to report that I have 4 participants completed. Everyone who has come is really excited to take part in the project. We are running into some issues. We are looking for Native Swedish  speakers without any knowledge of the German language . But a large portions of Native Swedish speakers had to take German growing up. We are also competing with final schedules

Yesterday was Ascension Day here in Sweden. It marks the 40th day of Easter. It also means that the university  was closed for the day! With this free time a friend and I headed into Malmo. Only a ten minute train ride made malmo an easy day trip. We spend time on the Western Harbor and had some lunch. The weather was a little chilly but most outdoor restaurants provide blankets for customers ( how cute!) So we were were just fine.  I plan on heading into Copenhagen for the weekend as well!