Hi there!

This is my final week in Nijmegen and it’s all feeling a bit surreal. I am having my final in-person meeting with my mentor and saying goodbye to this wonderful city. Both the city and my mentor have inspired growth within me; it is hard to leave this phase of my life. I had a wonderful journey. I learned so much about the world and myself through this experience.

Two months felt like a short amount of time already, but considering how much change happened within these few 8 weeks, it is hard to believe the timing. I have seen firsthand that what you do with your time is more important than how much time you have. During this experience, I learned more about myself, academics, and the world than in the entirety of the past two semesters. I feel confident going into my senior year of college with the nuances that I have discovered during this immersive journey.I know that I will continue to connect my experience abroad to experiences at home. The learning is like a domino effect. PIRE has been the catalyst for not only my academics but for my personal life and worldview. I hope that others had similarly inspiring experiences (and got more data than I).

It has been wonderful sharing my trip with all who have been reading. Thank you for being a part of this.

All the best,

Amira El-Dinary