Education Libraries

We are accepting papers for the next two issues of Education Libraries, a
peer-reviewed journal published by SLA’s Education Division. This journal
is indexed in ERIC, and Wilson Library Literature and Information Science.
For information about the journal, instructions for authors, and full-text
copies of selected back issues, please go to You do not have
to be a member of SLA or the Education Division to publish in Education
Libraries. We welcome additional book reviewers.

Call for papers, Spring 2008:
The next issue will focus on children’s resources.
Deadline: February 1, 2008

Call for papers, Fall 2008:
Topics could include archives and digitization; historical collections;
digital libraries; workforce development and information literacy.
Deadline: August 1, 2008

Email queries and manuscripts to co-editor, Jacqueline Snider at

Thank you.
Jacqueline Snider

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