Research News -The Canadian Journal of Information & Library Science

Dear Colleagues,

As the new Research News editor for The Canadian Journal of Information & Library Science I am soliciting news items for the column. The purpose of the column is to showcase the multiple dimensions of Canadian LIS research: “The Research News column seeks to provide information about significant Library and Information (LIS) research activities within Canada, including announcements of research grants, major research projects, awards and honours, completed LIS dissertations, and scholarly LIS conferences”.

So, to this end and in an effort to bring our news up-to-date, I invite you to send me news of the following:

-completed doctoral theses from spring/summer 2005 onward (include title, date defended and supervisor name)
-completed masters theses from spring/summer 2005 onward (include title, date defended and supervisor name)
-external grants and other major research funding from the 2006 competitions onward (awarded to faculty and doctoral students; include title of the grant, name of funding agency, etc.)

-news of postdocs, etc
-news of conferences, symposia, etc. held under the auspices of our Canadian institutions, also news of upcoming conferences
-news of awards and honours
-news of recent major research initiatives and projects
-news of Canadian scholarship that is happening outside of Canada
-any other relevant research news

It is my tentative plan to highlight doctoral student research in my first column, so items that speak to this theme are urgently requested with a deadline of 30 June 2008.

Please forward all news items via email to me at: prothba2 AT