Category Archives: Web 2.0

YTH Live 2018

YTH Live is the conference that ignites innovation in youth, technology, and health. Plus, this year will mark the 10 year anniversary of the conference making it the biggest yet.

YTH Live takes place May 6-7, 2018 in San Francisco, CA. The conference includes sessions on video games, non profit outreach, mobile apps, texting, and social media all being used to address issues like mental health, reproductive rights, peer education, drug use, HIV and AIDS, STDs, and more. Information can be found at

At YTH Live 2018, attendees will meet youth leaders, app developers, hackers, designers, health workers, policymakers, as well as educators, researchers, and other advocates who are using technology to make a difference in the health and wellness of youth.

Learn more at and register at Click here for additional assets and if you need drafted social media posts or any other materials let us know and we would be happy to provide those for you.

Our call for abstracts is now open, where those who want to share an innovative project, campaign, program, or research in youth health, technology, and health tech are invited to submit a proposal, to be considered to speak at our conference. The deadline for this is Friday, October 27, 2017. We’d love to invite you to submit and to share this opportunity with your networks!

Conference on Privacy and the Challenge of Technology

The Information Ethics Roundtable

Conference on Privacy and the Challenge of Technology

Hunter College

New York, New York
April 27, 2012

Tentative Keynote Speaker: Helen Nissenbaum,
(Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU), author of Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life (Stanford Law, 2010)

In one sense information technology has been a boon for privacy. For instance, ATMs and online banking mean that we seldom have to present ourselves to a teller. Online shopping offers similar benefits. However, technology can also pose a serious threat to privacy, since so much of what we now do leaves an enduring digital record. This information can then be recombined to create detailed personal profiles that couldn’t have emerged in pre-digital days. Moreover, these profiles can in turn be swiftly disseminated without our consent or even knowledge.

Information ethics studies the value questions that arise from the creation, control, and access to information. The Information Ethics Roundtable is a yearly conference that brings together information scientists, librarians, philosophers, and social scientists to discuss ethical issues such as intellectual property, intellectual freedom, and censorship. This year’s conference will address conceptual, empirical, and ethical issues related to privacy and the connection between privacy and information technology. Questions addressed will include:

  • Is privacy valuable?
  • To what extent does privacy benefit from technology?
  • To what extent is privacy threatened by technology?
  • When is the sharing of others’ personal information appropriate or inappropriate?
  • What role should privacy play in increasingly digitized academic and public libraries?
  • To what extent is privacy law keeping up with changes in technology?
  • Does privacy have a future?                                  

We invite submissions on any of the above or closely related topics. If you are interested, please submit an abstract of up to 500 words to  Include your full name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address.  Address any queries about the conference to Tony Doyle, Hunter College Library, at the address given above.                              

Submission Deadline: January 2, 2012

Acceptance Notification: January 31, 2012


Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance: Political, Policy and Management Implications



Proposals Submission Deadline: August 1, 2011

Full Chapters Due: November 1, 2011


Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance:

Political, Policy and Management Implications


A book Edited by Christopher G. Reddick, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA and

Stephen K. Aikins, University of South Florida, USA


To be published in 2012 by Springer (




Introduction and Purpose of the Book


Web 2.0 has become the buzz word for describing social media available on the Internet, such as blogs, photo and file sharing systems (e.g., Flickr, SlideShare, YouTube) and social networking sites (e.g., Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, SecondLife). These Web 2.0 applications are rapidly transforming citizen-citizen and citizen-government interactions in a manner not seen before.


Given these realities, it is very important to find a way to leverage Web 2.0 in government and their suitability for various enterprise-level applications, for strengthening the government-citizen relationship and for intra- and inter-government use in order to improve the policy and public management processes. For this to happen, government organizations need to align their Web 2.0 strategies with their organizational strategic goals for effective outcomes. This calls for clear sets of policy goals and development of Web 2.0 strategies that initiate new interactive ways of policy making, improve data and information management, and stimulate the development and use of knowledge for effective public management. Therefore, the hope of this edited book is to help understand the nature of Web 2.0 applications, their political, policy and managerial implications, as well as how best governments can leverage the applications for effective governance in both developed and developing countries.


Intended Contribution of Book


This book will bring together international scholars to provide the theoretical and practical contexts for understanding the nature of Web 2.0 technologies and their impact on political, public policy and management processes, and to explore how best Web 2.0 applications can be leveraged and aligned with the strategic goals of government organizations to add value and ensure effective governance. Drawing from experiences from countries around the globe, the book provides the theoretical context of the potential for Web 2.0 applications to transform government services, as well as practical examples of leading public sector institutions that have attempted to use Web 2.0 applications to enhance government operations, policy making and administration.

There are three themes to the book, namely: 1) Perspectives on Web 2.0 and Democratic Governance; 2) The Political, Policy and Management Impacts of Web 2.0 Applications in Government; and 3) Leveraging Web 2.0 Applications for Effective Governance.



Audience for the Book


The primary audience for the edited book Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance will be university professors, graduate students, researchers and professionals in information systems, public administration, and political science fields. Another audience would be government officials and policy makers interested Web 2.0 technologies for democratic governance.


Recommended Topics by Theme


Some recommended topics are listed below. However, submissions are encouraged from other topics that examine Web 2.0 technologies on democratic governance. Cases studies examining a specific country or countries are particularly welcome.


Theme 1: Perspectives on Web 2.0 and Democratic Governance

Theories of Discourse and Deliberation in the Era of the Internet and Web 2.0

Theoretical Perspectives on Web 2.0 Evolution and Adoption

Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Web 2.0 Applications for Civic and Political Purposes

Modeling and design of Web 2.0 Applications for Government Organizations

Contributions of Open Source Technologies to Web 2.0 Application Development

Economic and Social Considerations in the Uses of Web 2.0 Applications by Social Networks and Governments


Theme 2: Political, Policy and Management Impacts of Web 2.0 Applications in Government

Social Media as Mobilization Tools for Protesting Government Policies

The Promise of Social Media as Change Agents in Contemporary Government

Social Media as Conduits for Engaging Citizens, Government Responsiveness and Policy Change

Uses and Effects of Web 2.0 Applications in Political Campaigns and Their Implications for Democracy

Administrative Uses of Web 2.0 Applications and their Implications for Service Delivery

Policy and Managerial Implications for Adopting Web 2.0 Applications in Government


Theme 3: Leveraging Web 2.0 Applications for Effective Governance

Strategies for Successful Implementation of Web 2.0 Applications in Government

The Risks, Challenges and Remediation Strategies for Adopting Social Networking in Government

Methodologies for Measuring the Outcome and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Technology Adoption

Strategic Alignment Web 2.0 applications and Public Agency Goals for Effective Governance



Submission Procedure


Prospective authors should email Stephen Aikins at a copy of a 250 word proposed chapter abstract by August 1, 2011. Their chapter proposal should clearly outline the topic that the author(s) would like to examine and how the topic relates to the politics, policy, and management of Web 2.0 technologies and democratic governance. Author(s) of accepted chapter proposals will be notified by August 15, 2011. Full chapters are due by November 1, 2011. All chapters will go through a double blind peer review process. Results of the peer reviews will be announced to authors by January 15, 2012. The final copy of their chapter will be due by March 1, 2012.


Important Dates

Chapter Proposals Due:                                    August 1, 2011

Notification of Accepted Chapter Proposals:   August 15, 2011

Full Chapters Due:                                           November 1, 2011

Peer Review Results:                                        January 15, 2012

Final Revised Chapters Due:                            March 1, 2012


Inquiries and submissions should be emailed to


Dear Colleague,


On behalf of the international Advisory Board, I would like to inform you of the:


University of Basque Country, Spain     

25-27 March 2011     


We are pleased to host the Technology Conference in 2011 at the University of Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain.  One of Spain’s most important economic centers, Bilbao has several key industrial sectors including aeronautics, electronics and information technology.  Bilbao has also recently undergone an urban resurgence; the most noticeable on its skyline is the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum. 


This conference will address a range of critically important themes in the various fields that address the complex and subtle relationships between technology, knowledge and society. The conference is cross-disciplinary in scope, meeting points for technologists with a concern for the social and social scientists with a concern for the technological. The focus is primarily, but not exclusively, on information and communications technologies.


Scheduled activities include plenary presentations by accomplished researchers, scholars and practitioners, as well as numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations. Presenters may choose to submit written papers for publication in the fully refereed International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication in this fully refereed academic Journal.


Whether you are a virtual or in-person presenter at this conference, we also encourage you to present on the Conference YouTube Channel. Please select the Online Sessions link on the conference website for further details.  We also invite you to join us on Facebook and Twitter


The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 9 November 2010.  Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date.  Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference, including an online proposal submission form, are to be found at the conference website –


We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Bilbao in March 2011.


Yours Sincerely,


Karim Gherab Martin      

Visiting Research Scholar     

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA     

Bibliotecas Digitales, Madrid, Spain


For the Advisory Board, International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society and The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society



26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning

August 3-6, 2010, in Madison, Wisconsin

We invite you to submit proposals to present at the 26th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning.

  • Share your expertise and experience in the application of technology to the teaching and learning process.
  • Lead sessions on the planning and management of distance education/training programs.
  • Distill essential knowledge/skills.
  • Demonstrate your successful course and/or training materials to others.
  • Guide interactive discussions among colleagues. 

To learn more about the proposal options, select from the menu of session types. All proposals must be submitted online. You may enter or paste document text into the fields provided on the forms. To create a login account and access the form, select the “Submit a Proposal” button on the left menu.

Proposal deadline is Tuesday, January 20, 2010 at 4:00 pm (CST).




Guest Editors: Michele Amoretti, Francesco Zanichelli, University of Parma, Italy

The concept of e-Health broadly refers to a range of services that are
at the edge of healthcare and information technology. One prominent goal
of e-Health is to enable ubiquitous, continuous and personalized access
to healthcare services by patients, clinicians and all other actors.
In this context, e-Health can take advantage of with Mobile Computing,
i.e. the ability to use information and communication technology while moving,
and Ambient Intelligence (AmI), which refers to digital environments that
proactively support people in their daily lives. It is envisioned that future
e-Health infrastructures will be fully distributed and pervasive, while
supporting access to multiple services and enriched information, with
multimodal interaction, regardless of user’s location and devices.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished work
related to the design, development, and validation of integrated mobile/AmI
platforms and applications supporting e-Health.

Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Using mobile devices for healthcare information storage, update, and transmission
* e-Health service sharing on mobile platforms
* Continuous and multi-parametric monitoring of metabolic status using wearable devices
* Synchronization between back-end sources and applications on mobile devices
* Intelligent mobile multimedia services
* Natural and multimodal interaction styles and user interfaces
* Indoor/outdoor user localization
* Assistive Devices for temporal and spatial orientation
* Design and evaluation of patient and ambient-related sensors
* Activity recognition and fall detection
* Usability and acceptability issues
* Semantic profiles of users, devices and services

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special
on or before March 1, 2010. All submissions must be original and may not be
under review by another publication.
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis.
Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
The International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) combines research
from academicians and industrialists across the globe on advanced tools and
technologies that perform wireless or mobile operations. Useful to scholars,
researchers, and practitioners involved in related fields, this journal provides
the latest developments in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, application,
and standards of handheld computing.

This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Editor-in-Chief: Wen-Chen Hu, University of North Dakota, USA

Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)

The International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) is published by IGI Global
(formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference”
(formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference”,
“Business Science Reference”, and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints.
For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit

All submissions should be should be directed to the attention of:

Michele Amoretti and Francesco Zanichelli
Guest Editors
International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR)
E-mail: and

Bringing the Body Back In: Toward a Corporeal Social Science

On April 3-4 2009, the Tucson chapter of Sociologists for Women in Society
(SWS-Tucson) will host a two-day conference at the University of Arizona on
the body in social science. Featured speakers include a keynote address by
Lisa Jean Moore (SUNY-Purchase), Monica Casper and Rose Weitz (Arizona State
University), Wendy Simonds (Georgia State University), and Martin Weinberg
(University of Indiana-Bloomington).
The Unit Research Activities Fund (University of Arizona) and the Graduate
and Professional Student Council Professional Opportunities Development Fund
(University of Arizona) have provided funding for the conference.

We invite graduate students and faculty who use a social scientific
perspective to study the material body to present their work.  Please submit
an abstract of 500 words or less to Megan Wright ( by
February 1, 2009.  In the abstract, please indicate whether the paper is a
work-in-progress and the state of the research.  Works-in-progress are

Please address any questions to Megan Wright (, Sarah
Strand (, or Cindy Cain (  Please
circulate this call to any who may be interested.

Journal of Library & Information Services for Distance Learning

Call for Papers/New Editor Announcement
The Journal of Library & Information Services for Distance Learning
welcomes the submission of manuscripts for review and possible publication.

The Journal is now under the new Editorship of Jodi Poe, Head of Technical
Services, Houston Cole Library, Jacksonville State University (Jacksonville,
Alabama).    Jodi was previously Distance Education Librarian at Houston
Cole Library for 8 years.

Manuscripts and ideas for papers can be submitted directly to
Jodi Poe at
<> for peer-review.     The Journal has a rapid
turn-around time (approximately 4 months) for accepted  material, contingent
on scheduling.     Topics can cover research, theory & practice related to:

    * Distance education programs for income production
    * Distance learning statistics in libraries
    * Strategic Planning for Distance Education
    * Evaluation of distance learning librarianship programs
    * Off-campus licensing, costing, budgeting
    * Remote access issues
    * Institutional repositories in distance learning/education
    * Satellite libraries: budgeting, growth, usage
    * Outsourcing for distance learning
    * Proactive roles for distance learning librarians
    * Faculty/librarian interaction in distance learning
    * cooperation and collaboration for distance learning
    * Information literacy for distance learning
    * Instructional service techniques
    * Information delivery for distance education
    * Reference services for distance education
    * Document delivery for distance education
    * Developing collections for distance education
    * Consortia involvement in distance learning

About the Editor
Jodi Poe comes to the Journal with more than 17 years of service in an academic library, and eight years of service in distance education.  She is currently the Head of Technical Services at the Houston Cole Library at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama. Prior to accepting the department head position in October, Jodi served as the distance education librarian at the Houston Cole Library for eight years.

During her tenure as a distance librarian, Poe has written numerous journal articles on distance learning and librarianship, which appeared in popular journals like The Journal of Access Services and the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserves. Additionally, Jodi co-authored a chapter in the book Going the Distance: Library Instruction for Off-Campus Students.

Instructions for Authors
Instructions for authors are available at or can be emailed to you directly by Jodi Poe.

Free Print Sample
A free print sample of the journal is available by sending an
email to:  <>  Please give
your full name and preferred mailing address.

Campus Technology 2009



Campus Technology 2009
July 27 – 30, 2009
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, MA

>> To learn more, visit:
Where Campus Technology 2008 explored Next-Gen.Edu–the new technologies, services, web tools and cultural changes taking root on our campuses–our 2009 conference will bring attendees to the next level: MASTERY OF A RANGE OF RAPIDLY EVOLVING DIGITAL WORLDS.

Campus Technology is especially seeking presenters with expertise in Web 2.0 and 3.0 (including cloud computing and worldware), the latest instructional tools and learning infrastructures, development and optimization of digital campus communities, immersive learning and new-age student services.


Indicate breakout session, hands-on workshop, poster session and more. We encourage highly interactive panel presentations, shootouts, audience participation sessions, audience polling–it’s your moment to share your ideas and experiences with peers and experts…so be creative!

>> For a list of topic ideas, information on submission guidelines and access to the electronic submission form, visit:

DON’T DELAY! Deadline for submissions is November 30, 2008.

>> For information on Campus Technology 2009:


Research conference in the Second Life� world – Life, imagination, and work using metaverse platforms

September 24-26, 2009


The metaverse is emerging, through the increasing use of virtual world technologies that act as platforms for end-users to create, develop, and interact, expanding the realm of human cooperation, interaction, and creativity. The conference focus is scientific research on applications and developments of these metaverse platforms: Second Life, OpenSim, Open Croquet, Activeworlds, Open Source Metaverse, Project Wonderland, and others, providing a forum for the research community to present and discuss innovative approaches, techniques, processes, and research results.

SLACTIONS 09 is the first international conference held simultaneously in several countries on the topic of metaverses. SLACTIONS 09 aims at covering most areas currently enabled by metaverse platforms, from educational research to content production, from gender studies to media distribution, and from metaverse-based branding, advertising, and fundraising to emerging mash-ups and technology applications. SLACTIONS 09 is unique in its format too, as a one-of-a kind event conducted both in a metaverse platform (Second Life) and on-site in multiple countries in Europe and in North and South America. SLACTIONS will thus contribute to the current redefinition of the way we think about hybrid online and on-site scholarly collaborations.

Whereas metaverses are no longer a novel topic, they still pose challenges for the adaption of conventional instructional and business practices, research methodologies, and communication practices. We are looking forward to presenting a program of research results, case studies, panel discussions, and demonstrations that scholars, educators, and businesses can port to their own environments and apply in their research, teaching, and business strategy. We will accept papers from the full spectrum of intellectual disciplines and technological endeavours in which metaverse platforms are currently being used: from Education to Business, Sociology to Social Sciences, Media Production to Technology Development, Architecture and Urban Planning to the Arts.

Topics covered may include but are not limited to:

   * Accessibility in metaverse platforms
   * Advanced scientific visualization in metaverse platforms
   * Automatic content generation
   * Behavioral studies in the metaverse
   * Combination of metaverse platforms with external systems (e-learning, e-business, etc.)
   * Communicational paradigms in the metaverse
   * Content management
   * Creativity, design, and arts on the metaverse
   * E-business and e-commerce applications
   * Educational research, applications, and case studies
   * Embodiment in metaverses and Gender Studies
   * GIS/metaverse mash-ups
   * Integration between metaverse platforms
   * Nonprofit activities and fundraising
   * Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies
   * Social Sciences studies in or through metaverse platforms
   * Space representation, use, and management in metaverses
   * Using metaverse platforms for cooperation


SLACTIONS 09 has the format of a hybrid online and on-site conference. All paper presentations and plenary sessions by guest speakers will be held on-line, and projected locally for participants attending physically. Workshops are conducted locally – or in mixed format accross several participating chapters – and chapters may held local topical round tables.


Authors are invited to submit:
   * A full paper of eight to ten pages for oral presentation
   * A Flickr image or YouTube video, indexed with the tag “slactions 09” for poster presentations ‘in-world’ or presentation in SL using a creative format

All submissions are subject to a double blind review process and should be professionally proofread before submission. All manuscripts should be formatted according to the ASIS&T proceedings template. (Disclaimer: SLACTIONS 2009 is not associated with ASIS&T.) No manuscripts will be accepted that do not meet the required format.

All accepted papers will be published on-line and in an ISBN-registered CD-ROM/DVD-ROM of proceedings.
The Scientific Committee will invite authors of selected full papers to provide revised and expanded versions for publication in an ISBN-registered book.
The authors of the best papers will be invited to provide revised and expanded versions for publications in special editions of journals or as single contributions to theme-specific journals.
Check out regularly for more information and developments on the book publisher, book series, and journal venues for best papers.

Official language of the conference:

The official language for the on-line space and all submissions is English only. However, at the physical site of local chapters you can also use the native language of that location.

Important dates

   * February 28th, 2009 – Deadline for paper submissions
   * March 31st, 2009 – Submission results provided to authors
   * June 30th, 2009 – Deadline for early registration
   * July 31st, 2009 – Deadline for print-ready versions of accepted papers
   * September 24-26th, 2009 – Conference

Local chapters

Belgium – Ghent University
Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul – Unisinos (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos)
Brazil/S�o Paulo – Pontificia Universidade Cat�lica de S�o Paulo
Portugal/North – Universidade de Tr�s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Universidade do Minho, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade do Porto
USA/Texas – University of Texas-Austin
USA/West Coast – University of California-Berkeley

Note: If you believe your institution can hold a physical chapter in an as-yet unsupported region, please contact the organization at

Programme Committee

Adriana Bruno, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Ana Boa-Ventura, University of Texas-Austin, USA
Ant�nio Ramires Fernandes, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Augusto Abade, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Carlos Santos, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Dor Abrahamson, University of California-Berkeley, USA
Ederson Locatelli, Unisinos (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), Brazil
Eliane Schlemmer, Unisinos (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), Brazil
Jo�o Barroso, Universidade de Tr�s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Leonel Morgado, Universidade de Tr�s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Lucia Pesce, Pontif�cia Universidade Cat�lica de S�o Paulo, Brazil
Lu�s Pedro, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Lynn Alves, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brazil
Martin Leidl, Technische Universit�t Darmstadt, Germany
Martin Valcke, Ghent University, Belgium
Miltiadis Lytras, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Nelson Zagalo, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Niall Winters, London Knowledge Lab, UK
Paulo Frias, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Pedro Almeida, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Pedro Sequeira, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
Pilar Lacasa, Universidad de Alcal�, Spain
Sneha Veeragoudar Harrell, University of California-Berkeley, USA
Stefan G�bel, ZGDV, Germany
Teresa Bettencourt, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Tim Savage, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Ana Boa-Ventura, University of Texas-Austin, USA
Leonel Morgado – Universidade de Tr�s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Nelson Zagalo – Universidade do Minho, Portugal
