Tag Archives: creative accomplishments

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies is a peer-reviewed,
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary journal of scholarship,
creative work, and personal essays.  Please see below for our
guidelines for art and creative writing submissions.


Frontiers seeks art submissions that critically engage issues of
gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and place. We are
interested in all kinds of creative work; however, the art must
photograph well in black and white. The images could serve as cover
art and/or as part of an art essay.

All correspondence, including submissions, should be addressed to:
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
Department of History
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 874302
Tempe, AZ 85287-4302
Fax: 480-965-0310

Submissions must conform to the following guidelines:

Works must be original, not previously published in whole or in part,
and not in any version under consideration for publication elsewhere
Art work should be identified only by title, medium, and number.
A list of all art works submitted and contact information for the
artist should appear on a separate sheet.
Images, whether original art or illustrations, must be submitted in
one of the following ways:
5 x 7-inch or 8 x 10-inch black and white glossy photographs
in TIFF files, scanned at least as 300 dpi (dots per inch) and at
least 4,000 x 6,000 pixels (or 4 by 6 inches)
Deadline: Ongoing


Frontiers seeks creative writing that critically engages issues of
gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and place. We are
interested in all kinds of creative work from poetry to short fiction
to personal essays.

All correspondence, including submissions, should be addressed to:
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
Department of History
Arizona State University
P. O. Box 874302
Tempe, AZ 85287-4302
Fax: 480-965-0310

Deadline: Ongoing

For more information, please see

Morgan Hoodenpyle
Editorial Assistant
FRONTIERS: A Journal of Women Studies
Arizona State University
PO Box 874302
Tempe, AZ 85287-4302

Grants (book and video contest)

See Your Grant Success Story in a Neal-Schuman Book by Stephanie Gerding and Pam MacKellar. 16 library grant success stories were highlighted in our last Neal-Schuman book, Grants for Libraries: A How-To-Do-It Manual. Now is your chance to be included in our next book! Readers would love to learn about a successful grant your library has received.

Tell us of your accomplishments, both planned and unexpected. Please complete a brief online template by May 31, 2009 at http://home.comcast.net/~winninggrants.

We also have a VIDEO CONTEST! Just submit a 5 minute video about your library grant success story by June 30, 2009 for your chance to be spotlighted in our new book and DVD. Your video could include a tour of a grant project, interviews with grant team members or people who benefited from the grant, tips about grant writing or any part of the grant process. Please limit to 5 minutes or less, and be engaging! More details are available online and you can submit at YouTube in the Library Grants Group.

Thank you!
Stephanie Gerding & Pam MacKellar

Hockey Mom or Sarah Barracuda? Addressing the Media Coverage of Sarah Palin


Hockey Mom or Sarah Barracuda? Addressing the Media Coverage of Sarah Palin

In light of the overwhelming surge of discourse following John
McCain’s selection of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his
vice-presidential running mate, the editors of FlowTV invite
submissions dealing with the media treatment, reaction, and handling
of Gov. Palin as a politician, a woman, a “Hockey Mom,” a wife, an
Alaskan, and a Conservative. We hope the following quotes serve as a
jumping off point – what we view as some of the most poignant
examples of the recent media treatment – but we encourage submissions
to look to viral video, spoofs, celebrations, editorials, Facebook
status updates, blog entries, and myriad other sources of coverage.
Submissions should be between 1000-1500 words. Because of the
topicality of the particular subject, we welcome submissions as soon
as possible, and no later thanSeptember 30th. While we seek neither
diary entries nor diatribes, submissions need not be overly formal or
academic, and we encourage the incorporation of images and video.
Additionally, we encourage alternative perspectives from students,
non-Americans, bloggers, etc.

Please send submissions and inquiries to Anne Petersen
annehelenpetersen@gmail.com,Co-Coordinating Editor

For more info, see <http://flowtv.org/?p=1711″>http://flowtv.org/?p=1711>http://flowtv.org/?p=1711.

Women, Power and Politics

International Museum of Women’s current online exhibition, Women, Power and Politics.

I am the curator of the exhibition, and the multimedia, multilingual platform welcomes submissions from artists,writers, poets, filmmakers, activists and scholars on a number of themes. Please see below for a link to the exhibition and the more detailed call for
submissions. And please pass on to you students and colleagues!

International Museum of Women Announces Call for Submissions
Submit your work to the Women, Power and Politics global online exhibition

You can submit your original artwork, essays, film shorts, poetry,
photography and cartoons to be considered for the Women, Power and Politics
online exhibition at I.M.O.W. From March 8 to December 31, 2008, Women,
Power and Politics focuses on a provocative new topic each month and uses
community-submitted work to start a dialogue on the issues. Work can be
submitted directly online in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. To learn
more about the submissions topics and how to submit your work, visit
http://www.imow.org/submissions . To start
exploring Women, Power and Politics, log on at http://www.imow.org/wpp.

Thank you,
Dr. Masum Momaya
International Museum of Women

18th Annual Women’s Studies Conference “Girls’ Culture & Girls’ Studies: Surviving, Reviving, Celebrating Girlhood

INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS ON INTERDISCIPLINARY SCHOLARLY AND CREATIVE WORKCFP Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 12, 2008 The 18th Annual Women’s Studies Conference “Girls’ Culture & Girls’ Studies: Surviving, Reviving, Celebrating Girlhood” To be held on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University Friday and Saturday, October 17 and 18, 2008 The 18th Annual Women’s Studies Conference at Southern Connecticut State University explores girlhood. What does it mean to be a girl? Who defines girlhood in an age when puberty and sexualization are happening at younger ages? How do girls assert their own identity in an increasingly medicated and consumerist culture which targets girls as a prime audience? Why are U.S. girls preoccupied with perfection? What challenges do girls across races, classes, religions, nations, and cultures face in an ever more globalized world? What is the relationship between girls and feminism? What effect can feminism have on constructions of boyhood and masculinity and how in turn can this affect girls? In the 18th annual SCSU Women’s Studies conference, we will take a close look at girls’ culture and girls’ studies, among the most vibrant areas in women’s studies. The Conference Committee invites individuals, groups, scholars, feminists, activists, girls and all to
submit proposals that address topics related to all aspects of girlhood. Proposal Format: Faculty, students, staff, administrators, community activists from all disciplines and fields are invited to submit proposals for individual papers, complete sessions, panels, or round tables. Poster sessions, performance pieces, video recordings, and other creative works are also encouraged. For individual papers, please submit a one-page abstract. For complete panels, submit a one-page abstract for each presentation plus an overview on the relationship among individual components. For the poster sessions and art work, submit a one-page overview. All proposals must include speakers’ name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information (address, E-mail, and telephone number). Please also indicate preference for Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, or Saturday afternoon; all attempts will be made to honor schedule requests. Panels: Each 75 minute session usually includes three presenters and a session moderator, but individual presenters may request an entire session for a more substantial paper or presentation. Presenters are encouraged, though not required, to form their own panels. The conference committee will group individual proposals into panels and assign a moderator. Please indicate in your contact information if you are willing to serve as a moderator. Posters, Art Displays, and Slide Presentations: A poster presentation consists of an exhibit of materials that report research activities or informational resources in visual and summary form. An art display consists of a depiction of feminist concerns in an artistic medium. Both types of presentations provide a unique platform that facilitates personal discussion of work with interested colleagues and allows meeting attendees to browse through highlights of current research. Please indicate in your proposal your anticipated needs in terms of space, etc. In keeping with the conference theme, suggested topics include but are not limited to: Girls and Pop Culture Construction of Girlhood Media and Girls’ Culture Girls & Cutting/Self-Mutilation Politics of Girls’ Studies Girls & Leadership Women’s Studies & Girls’ Studies Girls & Child Labor Race & Class in Girls’ Studies Girls & Performance Coming of Age Globally Gender Research & Girls Body Image and Girls Girls & Disabilities Girls & Sexuality Girls & Ink. Human Trafficking & Girls Girls & Religion Indigenous Women and Girls Human Rights of Girls Girls & Sports Chick Lit Girls & Resistance Globalization and Girlhood Race, Ethnicity, and Class in Girls’ Studies Construction of “Tween” Agers/Girls Violence against Girls & Women Girls and Gangs Girl Power and Politics Transnational Adoption of Girls Girls’ Studies in Academe Girl Power and Feminism/Anti-Feminism Growing up Incarcerated Girls and Grassroots Activism Girls across/between Worlds Parenting/Raising Girls American Girls and Beyond Girls as Parents Reviving Ophelia, Surviving Ophelia, Resisting Ophelia Representations of Girls We also invite your ideas and suggestions. Conference sessions will juxtapose cultural, generational, and geopolitical perspectives in order to construct feminist renditions of girls’ cultures, histories, and representations. Expect fun through meals, performance, and poetry slam, with girls and their allies speaking of their struggles and power. Please submit proposals and supporting materials to: Women’s Studies Conference Committee Women’s Studies Program, EN B 229 Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent Street New Haven, CT 06515 Or via email to: womenstudies@southernct.edu with attention to Conference Committee. If you have any questions, please call the Women’s Studies office at (203) 392-6133. The Annual Women’s Studies Conference at SCSU is self-supporting; all presenters can pre-register at the discounted presenter’s fee, not exceeding $110.00 for both days, $60.00 for one day. The fee includes all costs for supporting materials, entrance to keynote events, and all meals and beverage breaks. Submission Deadline: Postmarked by Thursday, June 12, 2008 Notification of Committee Decision: Mailed by Friday, July 18, 2008 ********************************************************************** Yi-Chun Tricia Lin Director/Associate Professor, Women’s Studies Program Vice President, National Women’s Studies Association Past President, Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages Southern Connecticut State University E-mail: liny4@southernct.edu Office: (203) 392-6133; (203) 392-6864 Fax: (203) 392-6723 www.southernct.edu/womensstudies ***********************************************************************

The Midwest division of SWIP (Society for Women in Philosophy)

Looking for papers, poetry, panel proposals and/or other proposals for our upcoming conference.

The conference will be held Sept 19, 20, and 21, 2008 at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

We invite work in all areas relating to feminism and feminist practices; anti-racist theory/practice; political theory and ethics; metaphysics and epistemology as well as papers, panels, and performances that engage feminist anti-racist praxis and theorizing more broadly.

Midwest SWIP is an interdisciplinary conference with a particular emphasis on troubling the discipline of philosophy and the theory/practice dichotomy.

Queries and submissions should be sent via email to each of the following:

Tinola Mayfield-Guerrero at tinolam@yahoo.com
Chris Gallagher at cgallag3@utnet.utoledo.edu

Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2008

2008 Women’s Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Conference

The University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, invites proposals for its 2008 Women’s Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Conference.

The 2008 conference will feature scholarly and creative work that treats questions of power in relation to women: the experiences, creations, theories, and practices of power that define and are defined by women as actors, objects, and modes of performance and being in the world. The conference, among other things, aims to provoke discussion about women in positions of power, the vexatious roads they travel to get there, the barriers they meet, defeat, or submit to along the way, and the humorous, sad, and/or inspiring visions that arise from women’s engagement with powers of all kinds—including the powers they possess themselves.

This year’s conference will culminate in the publication of selected scholarly papers and creative works in a special conference issue of The South Dakota Review.

We solicit proposals for research presentations, scholarly papers, roundtable discussions, brief dramatic performances, film viewings, and creative readings on any topic that treats the diverse intertwinings of women and power.

Please upload your electronic proposal at www.usd.edu/wmst/, e-mail 250-word abstracts to aemerson@usd.edu, or send a hard copy to the following address by August 1, 2008.

Women’s Studies
The University of South Dakota
414 E. Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069

Threat Level

We are now accepting submissions for our April screening of
Threat Level.
If you identify yourself or your work as somehow queer, then you
and your work belong. This series is a venue for the great work
being made by queers everywhere as well as creating a vibrant
and supportive space for community building.
In order to continue the representation of the diversity of queer
voices, queer and trans filmmakers of color are strongly encouraged
to submit their work.

*Submissions must be received by April 3rd*.
We will not review late submissions for the April screening;
but, we will include them for review in the June screening.

Please send all submissions to:

“Threat Level”
c/o Feder/Rosskam
1265 W. Early Ave #2
Chicago, IL.

Please send only NTSC, DVD’s in english or with english subtitles.
Be sure to include: a short description of the work, contact info
for the filmmaker and your mailing address.

As this is an on-going screening series, if you can not make the first
deadline, please send your submission after that date to be considered
for a future screening.

Check out our myspace page:




Prizes of $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, and $200 for 3rd place, will
be awarded for poems, creative non-fiction, and photography on the theme of
Mother and Daughters. The winning works in all categories, as well as a
selection of honorable mention contest entries, will be published in JARM,
Journal of the Association of Research on Mothering, special issue on Mother
and Daughters in October 2008. All works will be considered for publication in
the journal and subsequently in a literary anthology to be published by Demeter
Press in honor of Mother’s Day, May 2009. Prizes in each category will be
announced in August 2008 and awarded at the ARM Conference, October 24-26,

Poets whose works are included in the issue will celebrate the launch of the
issue with readings at a Literary Gala Event as part of the conference.


Poetry: Submit up to three unpublished poems with $20.00 CAD entry fee ($3 for
each additional poem).

Creative Non-Fiction: Entries should be short literary memoir, autobiography,
lyric essay 300-1,000 words max. One submission only with $20.00 ($3 for each
additional entry).
Photography: Black and white photographs should be submitted as 8” x 10” prints
and mailed in hard copy to the ARM/Demeter Press office. *Contest participants
outside of Canada and the U.S may email an electronic photo submission to
arm@yorku.ca. Please be sure to include all required information with your
submission. Submit up to three submissions ($3.00 for each additional entry).

Do not include name or identification on entries; this information should be
provided on the entry form. Send entries for poetry and creative non-fiction by
email to arm@yorku.ca. Photography submissions should be sent be regular mail to
the ARM/Demeter Press office (address and payment information below). Clearly
identify your entry with a subject heading: Poetry Contest or Creative
Non-Fiction Contest or Photography Contest. All submissions (Poetry, Creative
Non-Fiction, Photography) must be accompanied by an entry form. For prose and
poetry entries, send in one word attachment. Entries that include separate
files for each poem or prose entry will not be considered. Once your payment
and entry has been filed, acknowledgment of your contest entry will be made by


Deadline: May 15, 2008 Judges TBA

Additional Photo Contest Rules and Regulations:

*By submitting the photo(s) you confirm that you are the exclusive rights holder
of the photo(s). Model releases (i.e., permission of people in the photograph)
are the responsibility of the entrant and must be available in the event that
the photo is a winner.

Photographers of selected photos will retain their rights after publication with
the understanding that ARM and Demeter Press can reprint in future publications
without payment or royalty fees. ARM/Demeter Press will hold first time North
American publication rights. Selected photos may be included in a future
ARM/Demeter Press publication, promotional materials, and/or exhibitions.

Photos that have been previously published or won an award are not eligible.

Submitted photos and entries cannot be returned.

Demeter Press and ARM are not responsible for lost or delayed entries, or
entries damaged in transit.

Photographs will be judged on creativity and excellence and how they best
capture the contest theme. Judging decisions are final.
Payment Information:

Payment can be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) using forms available on
our website at: http://www.yorku.ca/arm/creditcard.html

Please fax form to 416-736-5766 or email to arm@yorku.ca.

Alternately you can send your forms and payment by cheque or money order to our
offices at

ARM/Demeter Press
Rm 726 Atkinson, York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3.

**Entry form and payment must accompany all submissions.

Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)
Demeter Press
726 Atkinson, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON,
Canada, M3J 1P3
416-736-2100 x60366 (fax) 416-736-5766