Tag Archives: Reviewers

Reviewers for Resources for Gender and Women’s Studies: A Feminist Review

The University of Wisconsin Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian<https://www.library.wisc.edu/gwslibrarian/> is looking for scholars, faculty, and graduate students to write reviews of approximately 500-800 words for publication in Resources for Gender and Women’s Studies: A Feminist Review.

The fine print:

– We select reviewers and provide writing guidelines. If you haven’t published with us before, we’ll ask you to provide a book or film review as a sample of your writing. This sample does not need to have been published, and the book or film need not be new.

– Selected reviewers must give us copyright (but can use their own contribution in other places after publication in RGWS).

– We cannot offer compensation, but we provide the book which the reviewer gets to keep. The reviewer also gets two print copies of the RGWS issue in which their review is published.

– All reviews are edited before publication; reviewers have the opportunity to approve editing and make final changes.

– Potential reviewers should familiarize themselves with the kinds of reviews we’ve published; see past issues at www.library.wisc.edu/gwslibrarian/publications/gwsresources/newest-items/<http://www.library.wisc.edu/gwslibrarian/publications/gwsresources/newest-items/>.

If interested, please contact JoAnne Lehman, Senior Editor, joanne.lehman@wisc.edu<mailto:joanne.lehman@wisc.edu>, to discuss and for a list of books currently available for review.

InSITE 2017

Are you interdisciplinary in your thinking, international in your perspectives, and educational in your commitments?

Then attend the Informing Science + IT Education International Conference

InSITE 2017

Jul 31 – Aug 5 2017, Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Vietnam http://InSITE.NU the best organized and most inclusive conference 

  • REVIEW: Please Join Our International Board of Reviewers (http://Volunteer.InSITE.nu) to provide mentoring feedback on three submissions during December – February
  •  ATTEND: Discounts for productive reviewers and for paying the registration fee early
  •  PRESENT: Submit your paper on Informing Science + IT Education (http://Submit.InSITE.nu).  Submit by Nov. 30 for best chance at fast-tracking for publication in an ISI journal, but quality paper are welcomed even after this target date.

New This Year: Tracks on

·         Pre-doctoral and New Researchers

·         Accounting Education

·         Digital Excellence: Impact, Inclusion, and Imagination

Tracks on

·         Bias, Misinformation, Disinformation

·         Case Method of Teaching

·         e-Skills and e-Inclusion

·         Technology Enhanced Learning Environments

·         The Art and Science of Informing

Your choice of three full-day workshops:

  • Discussion Cases
  • Blended Learning, and
  • Qualitative Analysis

The InSITE conference alumni often mention the conference as among the best-organized and most-supportive conference they have attended.

The conference begins with optional pre-conference networking opportunities that combine seeing the country, often with talks on country-specific topics of interest, with the hugely important chance to network with potential future research collaborators. The networking enables building the trust relationships needed to sustain long-distance research collaboration.

The conference itself combines tracks of presentations of research papers, plenary sessions that provide for keynote speakers and mini-workshops on topics related to your professional development.

The conference also includes your choice of full-day workshops on 1) Teaching Using Discussion Cases, 2) Blended Learning, and 3) Computer-Assisted Qualitative Analysis

New tracks this year

This year we introduce the opportunity for those without much experience in making research presentations (for example, doctoral students) to present their research in a supportive environment. In addition, we have a track on Accounting Education and on Digital Excellence

Fast-tracking of Best Accepted Papers to ISI journals

The Editors-in-Chief of ISI’s journals look over the reviews and the revised submissions and select the best papers for publication in their journals using fast-tracking.  Highest consideration for fast-tracking for publication in one of ISI  journals will go to papers submitted to the conference by November 30. At least one author must be a paid delegate to the conference.

All papers by conference delegates that are accepted are published in the conference proceedings, a peer reviewed serial.  Selected best papers are also published in one of the journals published by the Informing Science Institute.

Public Services Quarterly, web resources reviewers

Dear colleagues,

I edit the Internet Resources Column for Public Services Quarterly. PSQ is a peer-reviewed journal covering a wide variety of public services issues in academic libraries and the Internet Resources Column features reviews of resources that would be useful to public services librarians.

I am in the process of updating my mailing list of potential reviewers. Every few months, I will send out a call for reviewers of websites focused on a certain theme. If you are interested in being on this list, please send me an email with your preferred email address and a short note about your interest and any relevant experience.

The theme for the upcoming column will be project management in academic libraries. Reviews will feature free web-based tools, resources, or sites related to helping public services librarians organize and lead teams in academic libraries. If you are interested in contributing a review for the next issue,  please send me your site suggestion and indicate whether or not you would be willing to review that site (reviews will be due February 12th).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Internet Resources Column Editor
Public Services Quarterly

Informing Science + IT Education Conferences

Call for Papers & Call for Reviewers
 Informing Science + IT Education Conferences
Porto, Portugal
June 30-July 6, 2013
Submission Due by
Nov. 30, 2012


InSITE: =Connect= consists of study in various locations on the transmission of information across time and across space. Connectfocuses on the interrelationship between context (historical forces and culture) and information and knowledge transfer.

InSITE: Inform solicits papers in any area that explores issues in effectively and efficiently informing clients through IT (information technology).

InSITE: TeachIT focuses on research topics related to teaching IT, including curricular issues, capstone courses, pedagogy, and emerging topics in IT.

InSITE: TeLE focuses on research topics related to using IT to teach. For example, these topics include e-Learning, m-Learning, making classroom teaching more effective, and distance learning.

You can attend all or just part of the conference.


Reference Reviews call for reviewers

Reference Reviews (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=rr) , the international journal devoted to the review of new or updated electronic and print reference sources, is looking to expand its pool of reviewers and contributors. If you would be interested in joining the reviewing team please email the publisher Ruth Glasspool at Emerald Group Publishing Limited rglasspool@emeraldinsight.com  giving current position, areas of subject expertise, any relevant experience and contact information. No CVs or attachments thank you.


Peer Reviewers: Choice, Gender studies, GLBT Studies

Contact: adoherty@ala-choice.org


Resources for College Libraries (RCL), a publication of ACRL’s Choice magazine and R.R. Bowker, is currently seeking academic librarians and faculty with collection development and/or teaching experience to participate in our peer review process. Available online at http://rclweb.net, RCL provides a list of core titles that are essential for undergraduate libraries.


We are currently seeking academic librarians and faculty with subject expertise in the following areas: 

*Gender Studies

*Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies


Referees will be responsible for comprehensively evaluating the RCL subject’s bibliographic content, along with its taxonomic organization. All referee work is scheduled for completion by August 15, 2012 and can be completed online and at your leisure. Referees will receive access to the RCL database during July and August to complete the review.


Please consider submitting your name to participate in this one-time professional service opportunity. Preference will be given to those with experience in teaching and/or collection development in the subject area. To volunteer as a reviewer, send an email to adoherty@ala-choice.org with your contact information, CV/resume, and a brief description of your qualifications, particularly any experience maintaining or assessing core collections in the subject area.


RCL is a subscription database that identifies 75,000+ titles across 61 subjects that are essential for research and instruction at the undergraduate level. For more information, visit: http://www.bowker.com/en-US/products/rcl.   



Anne Doherty

Project Editor, Resources for College Libraries




860.347.6933 x140


Book Reviewers for Catholic Library World (CLW)

I am seeking additional book reviewers for Catholic Library World (CLW). CLW reviews books and media, including children’s titles, young adult titles, and nonfiction for adults. We have very strong coverage of religious studies, theology, and spirituality titles, as well as library science, and selective coverage of other topics.

Book reviews in CLW are about 300 words long and serve the purpose of advising librarians about potential books and media to purchase.

Please email me ( skelsey@lsu.edu) with your qualifications, and areas of interest, if you would like to be considered as a reviewer for Catholic Library World.

Thank you,

Sigrid Kelsey

Electronic Reference Services and Web Development Coordinator

LSU Libraries, LSU

Baton Rouge, LA 70803



(225) 578-2720



Editor, Catholic Library World


Journal of the Motherhood Initiative reviewers

The Journal of the Motherhood Initiative is seeking board members for our 3.1 issue (Spring 2012) on Mothers and the Economy and the Economics of Mothering. The board will meet (for approximately 3-4 hours) in early February in Toronto, Canada to review the submissions. (articles will be mailed to board members early December). To be a member of this board you MUST be able to attend the board meeting in Toronto. JMI is not able to fund travel but we would be happy to send a letter of invitation so board members may secure funds from the university. To sit on this board you must be a 2012 member of MIRCI and your 2012 membership must be received by December 1, 2011. Full details on our site www.motherhoodinitiative.org We are seeking two faculty members and one graduate student. If you are interested in sitting on this board please email a short bio to me at aoreilly@yorku.ca by November 1, 2011 

ACRL Research Writer’s Consultations @ ALA Mid-Winter

Dallas, TX, January 20-24, 2012

The ACRL Research Program Committee (RPC) is once again sponsoring Research Writer’s Consultations at the ALA Mid-Winter Conference, held June January 20-24, 2012 in Dallas, TX.  Aimed at the new or inexperienced writer, the Research Writer’s Consultations will pair new or inexperienced writers with an experienced writer or editor, who will offer guidance and critique.



Are you an ACRL member working on a research article? Would you like some constructive feedback? Submit a draft research paper for consultation. RPC will match new writers with experienced writers and the pairs will meet face-to-face during the ACRL conference. Draft research papers must be submitted by January 9, 2011. Papers will be shared only among the designated pairs. Submission details follow:


Include on first page: Author’s name and contact information in upper left and a paragraph describing what you would like others to comment on about your paper (e.g., grammar, writing style, clarity, presentation of the research methodology).


Page limit:  25 double-spaced pages, standard 1″ margins


Preferred format:  Microsoft Word. Number pages. Footers should include author’s full name and e-mail.


Draft research papers should be in complete enough form for others to read easily.


Submit by January 9, 2011 to: Cheryl Middleton at Cheryl.Middleton@oregonstate.edu



Are you an experienced, published writer or editor? Interested in providing guidance to your colleagues who may be writing their first research article? Submit your name and a description of your areas of expertise by June 14, 2011. Reviewers are expected to review papers submitted by the writer they have been paired with in advance of the ALA Annual Conference, as well as guide the writing consultation onsite during the conference. 


Please send your current contact information, a copy of your current resume or list of publications, and a brief description of your current research interests.


Submit by January 11, 2011 to: Cheryl Middleton at Cheryl.Middleton@oregonstate.edu


MEET DURING ALA 2011 Annual Conference

The experienced writer/editor and the writer they have been paired with will correspond ahead of time to determine the best time to meet at the conference. 


Questions should be directed to Cheryl Middleton Cheryl.Middleton@oregonstate.edu

Gender & Society Reviewers

CALL FOR REVIEWERS Gender & Society is broadening its reviewer base, and invites scholars working on gender from across social science disciplines and perspectives to let us know your reviewing interests. Gender & Society is the official journal of Sociologists for Women in Society, peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly. The journal receives over 450 manuscript submissions each year, from scholars representing a range of disciplines, and from around the world. These pieces cover diverse substantive areas, and deploy a variety of methods designed to explore and critically advance the field of gender studies. We rely on a vibrant network of engaged reviewers to deliver timely and constructive feedback to submitting authors, while maintaining the journal's standing as a premier resource for scholars across the social sciences. We deeply value the service that reviewers perform for our community, and seek to make the process as easy and rewarding as possible. All reviewers receive guidance on the kinds of feedback that our authors have found most helpful, one month of free access to all of Sage's online publications, and a one-time discount on the purchase of any volume published by Sage. If you are new to Gender & Society and would like to review for the journal, please click on the following link to create an account in manuscript central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gendsoc), or send an email to gendsoc@soc.umass.edu to have one of our managing editors set up an account for you. Whether you are just joining or are already in our database and just haven't heard from us in a while, please drop us a line to flag your interest and we'll gladly start sending manuscripts your way! Thanks! Joya Joya Misra Professor of Sociology & Public Policy Editor, Gender & Society Social and Demographic Research Institute Machmer Hall W33e University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003