Monthly Archives: July 2007

Tech Day

Call for presentations
Submission deadline August 27, 2007

Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, Pa presents the 13th Annual Technology and Learning Conference for faculty and administrators on Friday, October 5, 2007, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at its Central campus, just north of Philadelphia.

Join colleagues to share experiences and expertise in technology and learning! If you are excited about the potential for enhancing teaching and learning through technology, attend this conference to share your insight and learn from others!

The conference will provide a forum for professional development as well as opportunities to:

learn about new and exciting technologies
exchange ideas and best practices for incorporating technology and learning
extend communication between educational institutions and the community

For more information go to:
Questions? Contact

The New York Journal of Adult Learning

Perspectives: The New York Journal of Adult Learning.

The editors of Perspectives: The New York Journal of Adult Learning invite submissions from adult educators, program directors, graduate students and faculty that address the needs and interests of those involved in educating adults in the specific areas of adult literacy, adult education, community education, continuing education, workforce training and development, and higher education around the world. The ultimate goal is to improve understanding and practice of adult education through careful consideration and reflection of timely research and issues. This peer-reviewed journal is intended to be a source of education articles from around the world that are practical, substantial, and scholarly. Articles may be submitted for consideration in the following areas: refereed articles, book reviews, issues and trends, invited research summaries and best practice. This journal will be published twice a year.

Contact: Kathleen P. King, Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street, Room 1102, New York, N.Y. 10023;,

Journal of Information Ethics

Publishes papers on ethics in conjunction with the academy, graphic images, scholarly communication, or biometrics. Journal of Information Ethics. Contact: Robert Hauptman, Journal of Information Ethics, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minn. 56301;

Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational

The Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational
Synergy ( will examine
structure, organization, technology tools and leadership practices that
characterize successful collaboration in and across the fields of education,
public and social sectors. See the call for chapters
( or contact us at We are reviewing proposals as they are submitted.

The first call for chapters formally closed April 30, 2007. We have been
extremely pleased with both the quantity and quality of the submissions.
Please see the list of invited authors and chapter topics:

At this time we are requesting additional proposals targeting specified
areas in order to ensure a comprehensive and balanced view of collaboration
in education, business, social sector organizations and government. We are
particularly interested in contributions that consider electronic
collaboration within a governmental or social sector organization, including
non-profit or Non-Governmental Organizations. Topics could include
collaborative efforts of teams or cross-functional groups, or collaborative
efforts between international/national organizations and their local
affiliates. We are also interested in interdisciplinary collaboration within
educational institutions or instructional practices within the classroom.

If your proposal falls outside of the listed categories but within the scope
of the original call for chapters and you wish to submit for consideration,
we still welcome your proposal as a competitive entry in categories with a
significant number of submissions.

Editors Janet Salmons, Ph.D. and Lynn Wilson, Ph.D. will draw on their
respective scholarly and practical experience with inter-organizational and
intra-organizational collaborations in the fields covered in the handbook.
Information Science Reference, (an imprint of IGI Publishing), has
tentatively scheduled publication of print and electronic editions of the
book in 2008.

Communications in Information Literacy

Communications in Information Literacy

Submission deadline for inclusion in Fall 2007 issue: August 1, 2007. (Authors are encouraged to submit papers at any time,
however, as submissions are accepted throughout the year.)

CIL is a new, independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge, theory, and research in the area of information literacy. The journal is committed to the principles of information literacy as set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Additionally, CIL is committed to the principles of open access for academic research.

The editors of CIL continually accept manuscripts for review. CIL seeks manuscripts on subject matter of interest to professionals in the area of higher education who are committed to advancing information literacy. Manuscripts may be theoretical, research-based, or of a practical nature. Some suggested topics include, but are by no means limited to:

-Definitions and standards for IL
-Pedagogies and learning theories
-Developing an IL strategy within your institution
-Designing an IL program
-Lesson planning
-Classroom instruction
-Online instruction
-Instructional competencies

It is recommended that prospective authors query the CIL editors before submitting their works, but it is not necessary. Prospective authors may query the Editors-in-Chief at:

CIL is published twice annually, with Spring and Fall issues, and with some articles being published in advance of the journal as they complete the review process. This ensures timely publication of all new material.

Thank you for your interest in Communications in Information Literacy!

Stewart Brower and Chris Hollister, Editors-in-Chief

Christopher Hollister
Information Literacy Librarian
Oscar A. Silverman Undergraduate Library
112 Capen Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260
Phone: (716) 645-2944, ext. 267
Fax: (716) 645-3067

ECIR-30th European Conference on Information Retrieval

ECIR-30th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Glasgow, Scotland, 30th March – 3rd April 2008

For more information go to:

The BCS-IRSG annual European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) is the major European forum for the presentation of new research results in the broad field of Information Retrieval. The conference encourages the submission of high quality research papers reporting original, previously unpublished results.

Call for Research Papers:

We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original research papers that have not been previously published and are not under review for another conference or journal. Submissions will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of Information Retrieval. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Theory and Models for Information Retrieval.
Efficiency and Performance of IR. Platforms, Architectures. Applications of IR.
Evaluation and Test collections.
Indexing. Query representation, Query reformulation, Structure-based representation, XML, Metadata. Summarization. Natural language processing for IR.
Tracking, Filtering, Topic detection, Collaborative filtering, Agents, Routing and Email spam.
Categorization and clustering.
User studies and interfaces. Interactive IR. Task-based IR.
Web IR, Distributed IR, Digital libraries. Intranet, Desktop, Enterprise and Blog Search. Adversarial IR.
Question answering and information extraction. Text Data Mining and Machine Learning for IR.
Multimedia IR.
Cross-language and multilingual Information Retrieval.

All accepted papers will be published in Springer-Verlag’s LNCS series and distributed to all delegates at the Conference. The proceedings will appear as a special commerative edition of LNCS to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ECIR conference series. It is also planned that some selected outstanding papers from the conference will be invited to contribute to an edited volume of papers marking this significant milestone.

Call for Posters:

Poster submissions addressing any of the areas identified in the conference topics above are also invited. Poster authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in progress and late-breaking research results. Poster papers will also be included in the proceedings.

Call for Workshops/Tutorials:

Submissions are solicited for workshops and tutorials on all topics of Information Retrieval and its applications. Especially encouraged are workshops that facilitate interaction and collaboration among participants, while opening new directions for future research, as well as tutorials that inform the Information Retrieval community on recent advancements in related fields, or on novel application areas related to Information Retrieval.





Submissions are invited from educators, graduates, and post-graduates of all levels and areas of study for Academic Exchange Extra (AEE) (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller ­ English Instructor at Kent State University). Qualified submissions from undergraduates may also be considered. AEE presents ideas, research methods and pedagogical theories leading to effective instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.
Articles to 7,000 words on theory, practice and administration of education across the full range of humanities and social science-based approaches are welcomed. Possible theoretical frameworks include: critical pedagogy, postcolonial theory, new historicism, postmodernism, feminist theory, as well as other critical frameworks, cultural studies and perspectives. The use of a theoretical lens is encouraged but not required; please see options for other submission types below.

We are also interested in social and cultural issues as they intersect with education. We prefer to include an array of diverse material each month, though thematic issues may be considered.
Essays up to 5,000 words are encouraged. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following suggestions:

• multi-modal teaching
• distance learning
• collaboration
• teaching abroad
• e-communities and socialization
• community college retention and transfer
• service learning
• remedial education
• affirmative action
• marginalized or minority viewpoints and experiences
• tenure and post-tenure review
• urban education and issues of student inequality
• issues faced in special education
• postmodernism and education
• canonical revision/non-revision
• analyses/reviews of recent pedagogical publications
• response to any topic(s) included in the “Grist for the Mill” section of each issue

We also seek poetry to 60 lines, in traditional or free verse forms.

Fiction to 7,000 words is also encouraged.

Subject matter for poetry and fiction is unlimited; however, we will not publish inflammatory or libelous works, or works deemed otherwise inappropriate for this journal.


Please place the words “AEE Submission” in the subject line of your email.
Submissions not containing this or a similar phrase may be routed through a secondary filter, in which case your submission may be unintentionally overlooked. Due to the high volume of submissions received by AEE each month, please allow approximately six to eight weeks for a publication decision based on an initial review of your submission.

Publication date is intended to be within the first week of each month.

Submissions should follow MLA or APA guidelines. Send your submission as a Word Document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) attachment.

All submissions must include a 4-5 sentence summary as well as a current brief bio that identifies your contact information (e-mail and telephone), school/departmental affiliation(s), position(s) (e.g., student level, instructor, professor and/or administrator), and areas of academic interest. For bio examples, please refer to the current issue’s contributor’s page.

Please note that AEE does not retain copyright of published material.
Additionally, articles, works of fiction, and poetry are not blind reviewed and will only be considered for such a review when specifically requested by the author.

NOTE: AEE does not retain copyright of submissions

Send submissions via email to:
Elizabeth Haller, Kent State University, USA (e-mail:

Storytelling, Self, Society Journal

Storytelling, Self, Society Journal: Call for Papers Due: September 2008

Storytelling, Self, Society (SSS) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to storytelling as interpersonal, performance, or public discourse. Papers may represent disciplines including but not limited to storytelling, folklore, cultural studies, communication, English, education, library science, health care, business, peace studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture, theatre and performance studies. Short stories, poetry and works of literary criticism will not be considered for publication. However, a variety of items, including print publications, recordings and performances, may be considered for review. Contact Karen Dietz, reviews editor, at to indicate interest and for additional information. Completed manuscripts are requested. All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format, using Microsoft Word, and must conform to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (2003, sixth edition or later, Modern Language Association of America). Each submission should include an abstract of no more than 120 words on a separate page, preceding the manuscript. For consideration in the Fall, 2008, issue, please e-mail a completed manuscript by January 7, 2008, to: Caren S. Neile, managing editor, at Prior to submission, we invite submitters to visit our web site:

Elizabeth Figa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty Senator Group II
University of North Texas / School of Library and Information Sciences
SLIS Toll-free phone: 877-275-7547 / Office Phone 940-565-2187
Associate Editor, Storytelling, Self, Society Journal
Contact information:

Conference on the Digital Society


Please consider to contribute and distribute to the appropriate groups
the following


The Second International Conference on the Digital Society

ICDS 2008

February 10-15, 2008 – St. Luce, Martinique



Important deadlines:

Submission deadline: September 5, 2007

Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2007

Registration/camera ready: November 5, 2007

ICDS 2008 Tracks (details in the CfP on site)

* Disruptive and enabling technologies
* Internet
* eCommerce
* Consumer-oriented devices and services
* Intelligent computation
* Networking and telecommunications
* Economics of security and protection
* System advanced paradigms
* Management and control
* Digital analysis and processing
* Mobile devices and biotechnologies
* Software robustness for digital society
* Consumer-oriented digital economics
* Government services in the context of digital society
* ICT support for collaboration
* Information and knowledge management (eknow)
* Telemedicine and eHealth (telemed)

Columnists-The Bottom Line

_The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances_ is looking for regular columnists who can speak to the issues and background of the journal indicated below. I am especially interested in senior management in public, private, academic, and special libraries writing columns that address issues related to budgeting, management, human resources, development, and outsourcing (among others) in libraries. Columns are needed on a quarterly basis. Please contact the editor directly if you are interested in contributing. Thank you.

Dr. Brad Eden
Editor, _The Bottom Line_
Associate University Librarian for Technical Services and Scholarly Communication
University of California, Santa Barbara