Monthly Archives: June 2018

Reviewers for Resources for Gender and Women’s Studies: A Feminist Review

The University of Wisconsin Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian<> is looking for scholars, faculty, and graduate students to write reviews of approximately 500-800 words for publication in Resources for Gender and Women’s Studies: A Feminist Review.

The fine print:

– We select reviewers and provide writing guidelines. If you haven’t published with us before, we’ll ask you to provide a book or film review as a sample of your writing. This sample does not need to have been published, and the book or film need not be new.

– Selected reviewers must give us copyright (but can use their own contribution in other places after publication in RGWS).

– We cannot offer compensation, but we provide the book which the reviewer gets to keep. The reviewer also gets two print copies of the RGWS issue in which their review is published.

– All reviews are edited before publication; reviewers have the opportunity to approve editing and make final changes.

– Potential reviewers should familiarize themselves with the kinds of reviews we’ve published; see past issues at<>.

If interested, please contact JoAnne Lehman, Senior Editor,<>, to discuss and for a list of books currently available for review.

Speak Up – Advocating for You and Your Library (due June 29, 2018)

What do you think of when you hear the word “advocacy”? Do you immediately think of stumping on Capitol Hill and meeting with local government officials? “Advocacy” is much more than politics. Every day, librarians and staff find themselves in situations where they must advocate for resources, money, and services for their libraries, in addition to advocating for themselves and their career as professionals.


Join us on September 12 for an Amigos Library Services online conference, Speak Up – Advocating for You and Your Library, where we will explore advocacy beyond politics.


Amigos Library Services is now accepting presentation proposals for this conference! Suggested topic areas include but are not limited to:

  • Creating the right message about your library
  • Identifying and crafting your communication strategy
  • Building public awareness
  • Responding to a budget crisis
  • Self-advocacy-asking for and seeking what you need
  • Developing relationships with your administrators and leadership
  • Building your network of supporters and advocates in the community
  • Dealing effectively with the media
  • Working in collaboration with other organizations or departments


If you can speak to one of these topics, or have another idea in mind, please submit your proposal by June 29, 2018. Don’t worry if you’ve never presented online. It’s easy, and we are happy to train you and will provide technical support during your presentation.



Value of Academic Libraries Travel Scholarships

VAL Call for Proposals


For more info go to

The Association of College and Research Libraries is offering travel scholarships of up to $2,000 each for librarians presenting on their work demonstrating the impact of academic libraries in the broader landscape of higher education. This program is one of several developed by ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries (VAL) Committee to support librarians in their efforts to communicate to our partners in higher education including administrators, scholars, and teachers working in all disciplines. These travel scholarships support the community in taking up a recommendation from the ACRL report Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research (prepared by OCLC Research and released in September 2017 for download or purchase) that academic librarians effectively communicate their contributions both up to institutional stakeholders and out to other departments.

ACRL invites applications from those seeking to present work on the impact of academic libraries at higher education conferences or disciplinary conferences where they will reach a wide audience (scholarships will not be awarded for travel to library conferences). The presentations may be based on practice-based work or formal research projects.

To have the greatest possible effect, the committee seeks strong applicants who bring a range of perspectives in terms of types of institutions, geographical regions, and nature of the work presented.

The conference must take place between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. Reimbursable expenses include conference registration, lodging, travel (round-trip economy airfare, train ticket, or mileage), and meals (up to $50 per diem). The applicant should clearly outline estimated expenses in the budget.


Each applicant must be a member of ACRL and employed as a librarian or information professional in an academic or research library in the year prior to application for the travel scholarship.

The applicant must have submitted a proposal to the conference where he/she wishes to present at the time of application. Granting of the scholarship is conditional upon the proposal being accepted by that conference.


The purpose of the travel scholarships is to support communication about the significance of libraries to other stakeholders in higher education. The presentation may be based on past or current initiatives. A subcommittee of member leaders from the Value of Academic Libraries Committee will review proposals with the following criteria in mind:

  • How well does the proposed presentation align with the Value of Academic Library goals and objectives as stated in ACRL’s strategic plan?
    • The proposal should explicitly state how it supports the VAL objectives in the strategic plan.
  • Does the topic align with current interests and trends in higher education and libraries?
    • The proposal should identify current trends – in scholarship and/or practice – and how the work being presented advances those trends.
  • Is the proposed presentation clear and intriguing? Does it investigate or provide new ways of thinking about the impact of academic libraries? Are the ideas well-conceived, developed, and articulated?
    • The proposal should clearly outline its purpose and outcomes, as well as appropriate methodology utilized. If the project/research on which this presentation is based has not yet been completed, a timeline for completion should be outlined.
  • Is the need for funding strongly articulated and demonstrated?
    • The budget should be clearly outlined, along with discussion of any alternative or additional sources of funding.
  • Is the reason for presenting this project at the stated conference compelling? Does it fit closely with stakeholder interests? Why is the presentation format chosen appropriate?
    • The proposal should consider the primary audience of the conference and how the presentation will engage them.

Application Instructions

The application cover sheet is available to download here. Please fill it out, save it, and combine it into a single PDF with the other application documents detailed below.

Your application should include:

  1. A completed cover sheet
  2. Conference abstract (maximum 2 pages)
    1. Include the abstract/proposal you submitted to the conference, which should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, and outcomes of the project on which this presentation is based.
  3. Scholarship proposal (maximum 2 pages)
    1. Address how this presentation will contribute to ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries initiative and strategic plan.
    2. The proposal should clearly state why this specific conference is a good place to present based on supporting evidence such as the primary audience and what sort of institutional stakeholders they represent (e.g. administrators, faculty, educational researchers, etc.). Also address the presentation format and why it’s suitable for highlighting the value of academic libraries.
    3. If you collaborated on this project with others, please briefly explain the role of the different members of the project team.
  4. Estimated budget (maximum 2 pages using the budget worksheet provided)
    1. If you stated that you have other funds available from your institution or another source of support to travel to this conference, please explain briefly what this funding supports and why you are seeking an ACRL travel scholarship in addition to it.
    2. Provide an itemized budget with a list of anticipated expenses totaling no more than $2000. Reimbursable expenses include conference registration, lodging, travel (round-trip economy airfare, train ticket, or mileage), and meals (up to $50 per diem).
  5. Your CV or résumé
  6. Statement of institutional support (maximum 1 page)
    1. This should be written by your supervisor, department head, library director, provost, etc. to indicate that they support travel to the conference as part of your professional development and, if applicable, will provide other funds to supplement this scholarship. It does not need to be on letterhead or signed, but should have the statement author’s name, job title, email address, and phone number.

Application Deadlines

The deadline to submit your completed Value of Academic Libraries Travel Scholarship Application for the current round of awards is 5 p.m. Central Time on Friday, August 31, 2018. Applicants will receive notice of the status of their travel scholarship applications by October 19, 2018.

The deadline for the next round will be February 15, 2019 and those applicants will receive notice by April 1. Both of these rounds of applications apply to travel between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019.

Electronic submissions are required. Email a single PDF file of all required documents to Sara Goek,


Award recipients must:

  1. Submit a claim for reimbursable expenses – not exceeding the proposed costs – by Aug. 31, 2019. Include the reimbursement request form and all required documentation.
  2. Acknowledge in their conference presentation that they received ACRL funding.
  3. Provide ACRL staff with a copy of their conference presentation and a brief textual description (abstract) which ACRL may disseminate online, for example as part of a blog post or other update to the community.

Further Information

See the application frequently asked questions for more details about applying.

If your questions are not answered on the website, please contact ACRL Program Manager and Mellon/ACLS Public Fellow Sara Goek at: or 312-280-5841.

Performance Measurement and Metrics (PMM)

Performance Measurement and Metrics (PMM) is a leading double-blind refereed, international journal, charting new qualitative and quantitative developments and techniques for measurement and metrics in information environments.

The journal is concerned with planning and development in libraries and the organizations of which they are part.  We invite authors to submit their original research papers related (but not limited) to the following topics:

  • Measurement, assessment and evaluation in libraries and other information environments
  • Uses of StatsQual, IT metrics, and informetrics to measure and then inform the management of libraries
  • Library and Information service value
  • The library’s role in the measurement of learning and in organisational accreditation
  • The impact and value of using social media in information services.
  • Infonomics
  • The value and impact of information/content/learning objects in education
  • The measurement and assessment of learning
  • Performance measurement and management in higher education, museums and archives
  • The use of ‘business’ and web analytics

Issue submissions should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer-review system.  Registration and access is available at

Submissions are accepted anytime.


Alice L. Daugherty

The University of Alabama


This journal is abstracted and indexed by:

  • BFI (Denmark)
  • Current Abstracts;
  • Education Full Text;
  • Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts;
  • Library Literature and Information Science Full Text;
  • OmniFile Full Text Mega;
  • OmniFile Full Text Select;
  • Scopus;
  • zetoc

Digitorium 2018

Event:                  Digitorium Digital Humanities Conference

When:                  Thursday, October 4 – Saturday, October 6, 2018

Where:                 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

for more information go to

We are delighted to invite proposals for Digitorium 2018, a large-scale, international Digital Humanities conference to be held for the fourth time at The University of Alabama, October 4 – 6, 2018.

We seek proposals on Digital Humanities work from researchers, practitioners, and graduate students which showcase innovative ways in which digital methods have brought scholarship and scholarly communities to life, whether locally or globally. We especially welcome proposals which discuss the use of digital methods and their novel results for research, pedagogy, and public scholarship. The conference will host research presentations, roundtables, and workshops throughout the event for participants to gain new digital skills, and to share their expertise in using particular tools. The workshops allow participants to see the scholarly results of using a given digital tool (e.g., OpenRefine, oXygen, Story Maps, QGIS, Paper Machines, Visual Eyes, etc.), and then to learn how to use it themselves. For these sessions, we invite proposals from scholars interested in giving an initial 10-20 minute paper about their research project followed by leading a 30-40 minute hands-on workshop in which they will teach other participants how to use one of the digital tools deployed for the research presentation.

Deadline for submitting abstracts is July 27, 2018.

We have two key “pathways” for which participants can submit abstracts:

  • Digital Methods: presentations on exciting new applications of digital methods, whether to bring an under-served subject to public attention, or to break new ground in established fields.
  • Digital Pedagogy and Public Scholarship: presentations on the use of digital methods in innovative teaching approaches, and for public outreach by universities, libraries, museums, and other institutions who are engaging communities via digital scholarship.


We seek proposals for the following types of presentation for the conference:

  • 20-minute papers.
  • 5-minute lightning talks.
  • Workshops: a 10-20 minute paper followed by leading a hands-on workshop using the tool employed for your research (see above for details).
  • Posters.
  • Digital exhibits
    • Bring your digital exhibit to the conference and present it as you would a poster.
  • Workshops to share techniques which you have found useful.
  • Roundtables.
  • Experiential presentations
    • 20-30 minute workshop-style presentations walking your audience through a digital method which you have used for specific scholarly outcomes.
  • Panels of three or four 20-minute papers or two experiential presentations.
  • Panels comprised of a whole project team.

All proposals should be made via the Submissions page on the conference website.

Deadline for submitting abstracts is July 27, 2018.

For more information about the conference, including our plenary speakers, the venue, and the departments generously offering their support for this event, please explore our website. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Thomas C. Wilson, Associate Dean for Research & Technology at

Digitorium is made possible by the generous support of the University Libraries at The University of Alabama.

International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT)

Call for Papers

Interim Editor-in-Chief: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)

The International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT) provides an international forum for practitioners and researchers from social sciences, along with information systems professional practitioners to contribute and share developed, useful, and innovative research regarding the impact and future of IT in the workplace. Covering all aspects of social issues impacted by information technology in organizations and inter-organizational structures, IJSODIT presents the conceptualization of specific social issues and their associated constructs. This journal encompasses designs and infrastructures, empirical validation of social models, and case studies illustrating socialization success and failures relating to Information Technology.


The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT) would like to invite you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. The following describes the mission, coverage, and guidelines for submission to IJSODIT.



The mission of the International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT)is to provide a forum for information technology educators, researchers, and practitioners to advance the practice and understanding of technology and the impacts of technology on social behaviors and norms in the workplace and society. IJSODIT bridges the gap between technology and social sciences in an effort to increase understanding of the relationship between information technology the cultural and social dynamics within the workplace. Featuring major emphasis on the impact technology utilization has on the workforce in social dynamics, this journal publishes full-length research manuscripts, insightful research and practice notes, and case studies.



Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:


Building Relationships


  • Contributions from information systems to the development of other academic disciplines
  • Development of information systems subspecialties
  • Relationships between the information systems area and other academic disciplines
  • Reporting new developments in other reference disciplines
  • Research between the IS system areas and other established fields


Cultural issues


  • Assimilation of emerging technologies
  • Cultural customs and digital divides
  • Developing trust
  • Management structures
  • Policy implementation
  • Politics
  • Power asymmetry
  • Social barriers
  • Social capital
  • Social environments


Design issues


  • Distributed projects
  • Modeling techniques
  • Process changes
  • Social network knowledge
  • Soft-side development


Diversity in the IT Workforce


  • Diversity in virtual IT teams
  • Educational initiatives for increased diversity in the IT workforce
  • Gender, race, age, education, and socio-economic differences in IT
  • Information technology as a means for increasing social capital
  • IT for transformation and wealth creation
  • Role of community technology centers
  • Urban and community informatics


Ethical issues


  • Codes of conduct and practice
  • Confidentiality agreements
  • Electronic monitoring of employees
  • Impartiality of data utilization
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Morality in information systems


Human interaction issues


  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Asynchronous learning networks
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Social presence


Relationship issues


  • Buyer-supplier linkages
  • Development partnerships
  • Group cohesiveness
  • Group facilitation
  • Networking and collaboration
  • Virtual teams


Security issues


  • Behavioral issues in IS security
  • Fraud with systems use
  • IS security design and management methods
  • Misrepresentation in digital media
  • Misuse of data
  • Models for IS security implementation
  • Security culture & awareness issues
  • Social, legal, and ethical of IS security
  • Standards, laws, and regulations
  • Strategic management issues in IS security
  • Trust issues in IS Security
  • Virus/worm creation



Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original empirical research articles 3,000–5,000 words in length. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis by no fewer than 3 members of the journal’s Editorial Review Board and 1 Associate Editor. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the E-Editorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

Inquiries can be forwarded to

International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR)

Call for Papers

Interim Editor-in-Chief: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)

The International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) combines research from academicians and industrialists across the globe on advanced tools and technologies that perform wireless or mobile operations. Useful to scholars, researchers, and practitioners involved in related fields, this journal provides the latest developments in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, application, and standards of handheld computing. A comprehensive study of the handheld computing is given in this journal, which includes three themes: (i) mobile handheld devices, (ii) handheld computing and programming, and (iii) mobile applications using handheld devices.


The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) would like to invite you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. The following describes the mission, coverage, and guidelines for submission to IJHCR.



Mobile handheld devices such as smartphones are extremely popular. People carry handheld devices anytime, anywhere and use them to perform daily activities like making phone calls, checking emails and schedules, and browsing the mobile Web. According to market research reports, the number of smartphones shipped worldwide has surpassed the number of PCs and servers shipped in 2011 and the gap between them is expected to grow. Emerging smartphones have created many applications that are not possible or convenient for PCs and servers, even laptops. Though handheld devices prevail, the technologies used are mostly unknown to users because they involve various complicated, fast-evolving disciplines like wireless and mobile networks and mobile operating systems. The mission of theInternational Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) is to explore recent advances related to handheld computing by bringing together researchers and practitioners who work on the tools, methodologies, technologies, designs, software, standards, and applications in this area.



A comprehensive study of the handheld computing is given in this journal, which includes three themes: (i) mobile handheld devices, (ii) handheld computing and programming, and (iii) mobile applications using handheld devices. The journal encourages the submissions of quality papers dealing with (but not limited to) the following topics:


  • Android systems, computing, applications, and programming
  • Browsing the mobile Web
  • Client-side mobile-commerce computing, applications, and programming
  • Context/location-based services, computing, and applications
  • Embedded systems, computing, and applications
  • Energy saving
  • Handheld components such as microbrowsers, cameras, scanners, data synchronization like infrared and Bluetooth wireless communication, and batteries
  • Handheld devices, architecture, and systems
  • Handheld hardware and software integration
  • Handheld input and output methods and components and peripherals
  • Handheld specifications, standards, guidelines, software, and tools
  • iOS systems, computing, applications, and programming
  • Mobile advertising and sales
  • Mobile and wireless networks
  • Mobile cloud computing
  • Mobile commerce applications and systems
  • Mobile commerce, business, and banking
  • Mobile instructions and classrooms
  • Mobile inventory management and resource planning
  • Mobile messaging, emailing, broadcasting, and blogging
  • Mobile offices, management, and services
  • Mobile semantic and intelligent Web
  • Mobile social networks and virtual communities
  • Mobile traffic, travel, and weather reports
  • Mobile Web 2.0 and plus
  • Mobile Web and data mining
  • Mobile Web and Internet
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet algorithms and methodologies
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet computing for big data
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet data management
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet entertainment and gaming
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet human computer interface and user interface design and implementation
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet operating systems and platforms
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet programming languages and environments
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet security and payment methods
  • Mobile/handheld/tablet/embedded database systems
  • Remote intranet access
  • Server-side mobile-commerce computing, applications, and programming
  • Windows phone systems, computing, applications, and programming



Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original empirical research articles 3,000–5,000 words in length. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis by no fewer than 3 members of the journal’s Editorial Review Board and 1 Associate Editor. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the E-Editorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

Inquiries can be forwarded to

Learner-Centered Leadership

for Proposals

Learner-Centered Librarianship

The Florida Chapter of ACRL (FACRL) is seeking proposals for presentations and poster sessions for the 2018
FACRL Annual Conference
“Learner-Centered Librarianship”
in academic libraries through and beyond instruction programs. Learning involves both content and resources, as well as information processes such as information seeking with connection to all aspects of library work and service models. As academic libraries
increasingly shift focus to learner-centered programming, collections, pedagogy and practices, an opportunity has arisen to rethink our roles in relation to the learning experience.  The 2018 FACRL conference will allow for reflection, planning, and development
in this growing area.
annual conference will be held on Friday, October 19, at the
Gulf Coast University Cohen Center Ballroom

in Fort Myers, FL.

are due by
June 30, 2018.
this link
to the submission form.

Presentations should be 45 minutes in length with additional time provided for questions. Follow this
to the rubric
that will be used to score proposals.
Acceptance emails will be sent on or before July 28, 2018.

and posters may address the following, but all proposals relevant to learner-centered librarianship will be considered:

  • Examples of
    library services and resources that foster learner-centered librarianship

  • Initiatives
    involving broader campus communities to inform and inspire principles of learner-centered practices and/or the application of the ACRL Framework

  • Case studies
    highlighting effective learner-centered teaching practices for information literacy instruction that facilitate learning by building on prior knowledge and applying information literacy skills in meaningful ways

  • Experiences
    with the integration of technology, information literacy, and ethical use of resources as well as library programs and services that encourage excellence for all learners

  • Implementations
    of Scholarships of Teaching and Learning (SotL) and/or High-Impact Educational Practices that are guided by learner-centered pedagogy

  • Other topics
    relevant to learning-centered librarianship in the field of teaching and learning, leadership and management, technology and access, library environment, as well as partnerships and community outreach.

  • Need additional
    information to supplement your proposal? Check out the resources provided by the
    ACRL’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Committee

Presentations and posters of superior quality may be considered for future publication in  The
Reference Librarian
a major refereed journal published
by Taylor and Francis.
reviewing the
for Authors
to learn about the
expectations of content and writing for this peer-reviewed journal.


may be sent to the FACRL Program Selection Committee at

International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (IJRLEDM)

Call for Papers

Editor-in-Chief: Jason Jackson (Jackson Research Institute, USA)

The International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (IJRLEDM)focuses on the role of science to help improve leadership within business, to include traditional and emerging future leadership roles, responsibilities, cognition, leadership decision-making, ethics, and research methods supporting qualitative and quantitative study of these areas of life, business, and academics.


The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (IJRLEDM) invites authors to submit manuscripts for consideration in this double-blind peer reviewed scholarly journal. The following information describes the journal mission, coverage, and submission guidelines to IJRLEDM.



The International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (IJRLEDM) is focused on scientists, researchers, scholars, practitioners, business consultants, business leaders, and other professionals to provide timely and useful studies supportive of leadership, ethics, decision-making, cognition, and neuroscience within diverse environments. Our mission is moving leadership forward with scientific research, preparing leaders for the challenges of the future with rigorous thought.



The International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (IJRLEDM) is interested in research within domains spanning social science and business. Topics covered within the journal include (however, not limited to) the following domains:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Best Practices
  • Business Research and Practices
  • Cognition
  • Decision-Making
  • Ethics
  • Information Overload
  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Military Veterans
  • Neuroscience
  • Research Methods
  • Senior Leadership (C-Level, Executive)


Manuscripts will be considered within cultural alignment of the journal, quality of research conducted, research methodology, timeliness of topic, and the utility of the research findings. Researchers of both qualitative and quantitative studies are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for consideration. Practitioners are encouraged to submit manuscripts of pragmatic utility, or current best practices, within their industry.



Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original empirical research articles 3,000–5,000 words in length. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis by no fewer than 3 members of the journal’s Editorial Review Board and 1 Associate Editor. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

All manuscripts must be submitted through the E-Editorial Discovery™ online submission manager. Please see the link at the bottom of this page.

Inquiries can be forwarded to

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET)

The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET, an EI journal) is a forum for researchers and practitioners to disseminate practical solutions to the automation of open and distance learning. Targeted to academic researchers and engineers who work with distance learning programs and software systems, as well as general users of distance education technologies and methods, IJDET discusses computational methods, algorithms, implemented prototype systems, and applications of open and distance learning. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are peer-reviewed according to the procedure consisting of initial review, peer review, and recommendation.


Call for Papers of Special Issue:

Useful Links:

Useful Links for preparing and proposing a Special Issue:

Useful Links for Authors preparing and (re-)submitting a manuscript:

Useful Links for Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted (with required revisions) for publish:

    • Image Guide for preparing the TIFF images of your final package