Would you trust electric vehicles?

I saw an article the other day talking about electric cars. My dad and I talk about it all the time, and the safety hazards they do bring to the environment. Yes they are a lot better for the environment and keeping the air safe, however in a car accident they are extremely dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration car accidents happen every minute. Electric vehicles are operated by batteries which can ultimately catch fire, release gases or sometimes explode depending on the condition. This can ultimately lead to more injuries of the people around or people responding to the scene. I always had mixed feelings about electric cars.


Do you have your notifications on? If so, what apps and why?

I have been wondering about this, coming from someone who used to always have her notifications on to now turning most of them off and my phone on do not disturb. Also watching The Social Dilemma made me more aware. I used to be obsessed with notifications and every time my phone lit up. I would grab it in two seconds and want to know what it was. Whether I posted a picture on Instagram, or was texting someone I always was obsessed with them. I encourage people to turn them off, because I would not want anyone else to go through what I did and feel the way I did.

In simpler words, social media notifications and in general destroyed me.

This was a quote I found in the article “The thing about social media apps is that they’re designed to hijack our attention and entice us to spend as much time as possible on them. When we get a notification, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good. And since our brains crave dopamine, we’re wired to find fast fixes of it, like those from notifications, so we’ll unconsciously keep repeating those behaviors.” It definitely did that to me. It makes you feel good and then a little innocent pop in check turns into an hour. They also increased my stress and anxiety. I cared so much about people interacting with my posts or anything when I should not care. These companies want to ping your phone with something you will pick your phone up to and stay engaged with.

The only apps I have notifications on for are Outlook and Canvas. I was just curious!



If the government were to control the media, how would it effect society?

I know in a few countries, the media is owned by the countries government. For example, in North Korea, the media is owned by the government. Everything that you see went through the government to be shown. I also found something in an article that states “North Korea’s economic hardships or famines are not reported to the domestic audience….” People living in North Korea are not informed of the economic problems and hardships the country is facing. In my opinion, I think it is important to inform the citizens of this information.

It states that they do have freedom of speech and the press, but that is not how it is. They only allow speech that supports the country. Also, “Radio and TV sets in North Korea are supplied pre-tuned to government stations and radios must be checked and registered with the police.” I learned a lot about this in high school and always thought about it. Not that I want it to happen, but I would always think about how our country would be if the government had control of the media.


What is the future of robots?

As we all know, technology is evolving everyday, and robots are starting to come into play as well. I go to the grocery store at home and there’s a robot in there following everyone around and is supposed to be able to clean up messes and such. Does this scare you?

Some robots that were created can do human tasks already, such as making coffee, wait on people, etc. Robots coming in and taking over can result in a lot of jobs lost, and people have said to not be surprised if they do. In another class I also learned that there are robotic refrigerators that can be made and it can do basic human tasks. I always used to joke around and say wow robots will eventually be doing my homework or my kids homework and now I am starting to believe its true. I think it is pathetic. Yes it could help and they can perform more complex tasks, but people are just lazy and what’s going to happen if a robot comes in and steals your job?

