Disney+ Accounts Hacked

Just after the release of Disney+ thousands hacked Disney+ accounts cropped up on dark web hacking forums. These accounts are being sold for $3 – $5, which is considerably more than a hacked Netflix account which goes for around $1 – $2 because of the excitement of the new movie and tv streaming service. The hackers change your account around so that it’s hard to reset your password and regain control. The reason for these accounts being hacked is a popular issue. The hackers use passwords that they know you’ve used before to sign in to other sites. Take caution when creating an account on this site, or any other site for that matter. Make sure to use a unique password when creating accounts for any service, and make sure they’re complicated enough to ensure the safety of your account.


Why you should build your own computer.

Although it seems like a daunting task, building a computer is far more simple than you’d think. If you’re interested at all into going into a computer-centered career building your own computer should be a top priority. Not only is it cost-effective compared to buying a pre-built computer, but it’s also an opportunity to learn about how computers operate. If you get good at building computers you can build them for other people as a little business like I did in high school.

Building a computer allows you to pick and choose between varying parts, depending on what you intend to use it for. This comes in handy because you don’t need to spend more money than you need. For example, if you intend to just send emails and surf the internet you can easily make a computer than can handle those types of processes for less than $300! However, if you plan to use your computer for gaming, or other types of heavy processes you can buy more expensive parts to suit your needs. No matter what computer you make it will likely be 10-30% cheaper than a prebuilt with the same hardware in it. If you build your own computer you can also be sure of the components inside because many prebuilt suppliers often give ambiguous indications of the hardware. For example, a prebuilt supplier might say that it has 8gb of ram, which gives no indication of the speed or type of ram they use, which can lead to poor performance of your PC. Building your own computer is also a great experience because if you know how a computer works you no longer have to pay an arm and a leg to get it repaired and can just fix it yourself for a fraction of the cost.

Building your own computer isn’t all glorious, however. It takes time and a little bit of research to find what parts you need. You also lack the support of a prebuilt manufacturer, and will likely have to solve the hardware problems yourself. Also, if you didn’t do a proper investigation into your hardware you might end up with parts that don’t work, and sometimes might even break when connected.

I suggest looking up guides to building a computer within your budget and what you want to do with it and then adding/removing parts to fit your needs. A great website to find out if all your parts work together is https://pcpartpicker.com/

Source: https://www.lifewire.com/building-vs-buying-a-pc-832692