Taking up space by Ashon Calhoun

I remember a few months ago a friend showed me a poet, he was probably one of the best I’ve ever heard. But he had one poem that said, because of how many of us there are, we do not matter. Because of how big the universe is, we do not matter.



And that made think about how crazy it is that we’re floating on a ball of rock through space


Just drifting, while the stars and time greet each other with each second that we move


Realizing that each of these seconds brings us life and death and whatever that comes before or after


And during our float through space, we can’t help but wonder, what does all of it have to do with us?


There are Trillions. Trillions of beautiful stars that cling to the sky


Billions of people on earth wave them hello and goodbye


And With so many people, we sometimes fail to find any meaning in our lives


Because If the sun still rises on our darkest days

And if the earth still spins when we stop standing, do we matter?


Just because we take up space , do we truly matter?


I used to say no, no why we would we matter?

My life could spiral into pieces and the birds would still chirp the morning after


But now, I say yes, years of life have brought me a new perspective


Realizing that you can love to live without a clear objective


Understanding that while you may not matter to the sun in the sky, to the dirt you stand on, or to the birds that chirp outside your window.


You matter to those that look at you and hear music


You matter to the ones, that smile just because you walked into the room


You matter to the people that called for help and you answered


Sometimes we get so entrenched in the big picture that we forget it’s the little things that matter

The small joyful moments when you see your child for the first time


The small joyful moments when you realize the person that you love wants to be with you forever


The small joyful moments when you see your friend overcome an obstacle that held them back for years


If we constantly ponder our existence, and constantly conclude that we have no affect on the world


Then we must also ponder and then also conclude that we have an affect on each other


You matter. I matter. We matter


Billions of people on this earth and not one of them is you


Let the stars reflect a masterpiece, they know we matter too.