Compiled by Claire Meler, editor-in-chief
You’ve been published in From the Fallout Shelter, you’ve graduated from college, now what? Where do you go to publish your work? There are a number of publications that compensate authors for creative work, allowing you to enjoy writing as a hobby and also receive financial recognition. Below is a list of seven magazines that pay accepted writers.
AGNI is a literary magazine based in Boston, Massachusetts that has published more than sixty issues throughout its 35-year existence. They accept fiction, essays, reviews, and poetry with pay ranging from 1 to 4.9 cents per word for fiction and $5-$50 for poetry.
Carve accepts short stories and poetry, paying between $20 and $50 as their funding allows. They seek to publish outstanding literary fiction and to promote the writers we publish, helping both new, emerging, and established authors reach a wider literary audience.
Boulevard was established in 1985 by an author who published 15 books and over one hundred songs and musical pieces. They accept fiction, poetry, and non-fiction from all authors, but they focus especially on less experienced or unpublished writers with exceptional promise. Pay ranges from $50 – $500 for accepted work.
Wet Ink is a quarterly publication that showcases the best new writers alongside established authors. They accept a wide range of genres, and compensation is $70 for poetry and prose, and $120 for pieces over 1500 words.
As the title suggests, FLASH accepts flash fiction, paying authors $50 per story.
turnrow is a biannual journal published by the University of Louisiana at Monroe. They accept poetry, prose, essays, interviews, and visual art, paying $50 per poem and $15 per page of prose and longer works.
The Crab Orchard Review, a publication of the Southern Illinois University, accepts poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction. Pay varies depending upon budget allocations from the state and the university. Additionally, the COR hosts a yearly writing contest, awarding the best submission in each genre $2000.