Fuck you Dixon Ticonderoga
For my constant bad luck, and lack of diction
That I can’t seem to get over. God,
Why erase when there’s traces of every past
Mistake just scribbled on vast blank pages.
Words that joust for dominance over my thoughts and ideas.
As I blink through stages of boredom and exhaustion,
Like strumming chords on an out-of-tune guitar.
Not far off from a jaguar in the jungle of poetry;
Absurd and numb to my effect on the rest of the ecosystem.
So, I sit on my bed humming and fidgeting until this
Writing utensil decides to stencil across the paper
Until the tall blonde becomes a midget
And I’m in need of a sharpener. I keep dulling
The graphite and before I know it,
There’s daylight, And my journal
Has run out of space. I’ve misplaced
My contact case, and grey residue on my lenses.
I feel the rush of lactic acid in my phalanges
as I bubble with pressure and pain, like a
Popcorn kernel that won’t pop. Perhaps
My chicken scratched ‘to-do’ list ought to find
A new person to accomplish its tasks.
I ask myself to try writing about heroes,
but can only envision the villains.
This lethal weapon against vampires
Or toddlers who are teething;
the last thoughts I think of before sleeping.
And then you cross my mind; I toss and turn
And the antagonist begins to sprint the last lap
around the soundtrack of my heart.
I should take up typing.