Academy of American Poets Prize Runner-Up: Securing Our Spots by Andi Moritz

We have come to share

the word of God. The students

have come to scream.


I know that He is watching,

and my family is safe. Still,

I am thankful police are present.


I can go to this

now that I’m twelve.

I am a reason they yell.


Is it so sickening

I’ve been brought along?

Or their behavior which violates?


Our Lord radiates upon

this congregation. The worse we are treated

the more he loves.


A lascivious crowd

writhing with sin, shrieks hurled

as stones at my mother.



Lustful dancing,

blasphemous words. Heathenish

pagans and servants of Satan.


Whoremongers, homos,

Muslims and more.

I watch. I wait. I witness.


Mother writes in her notepad

“God KILLS Fat People”

and tells girls to get in the kitchen.


She preaches for this reluctant congregation,

hooks baited and cast

with bones of our ancestors.


One girl bites

and reels over the wall,

past law enforcement, pulled towards us.


A sting of her hand

and mother’s face blooms blessed.

She turns the other cheek and earns a spot in heaven.