Time for a Montenegran Web Site?

While I was Brett’s Gaming Commons blog entry on the totally awesome RJDJ interactive music application for the iPhone, my inner geek noticed that the download was actually from http://rjdj.me with the .me domain

I knew about the .tv domain (which is really the South Pacific island Tuvalu), but this was new so I checked it out. The .me domain is in fact from the country Montenegro (one of the many republics formed from the former Yugoslavia), and it has only become available in January 2008. from GoDaddy.com.

By July though, it turned out that GoDaddy was having a little problem sorting out multiple applications for hug.me and other popular .me ideas. It’s always great to see how international protocol interacts with the marketplace.

Speaking for the former Yugoslavia though, we did lose a potential domain treasure when their original domain .yu was discontinued. Alas, there will not be any over18funfor.yu sites coming our way any time soon.

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One Response to Time for a Montenegran Web Site?

  1. I think you should buy one!

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